Guerin & Guerin is a full service, family run insurance agency. We specialize in insuring business owners. We also provide auto, property, casualty, and even technology risk insurance coverage.






We are a boutique agency, with an emphasis on personalized service. Our expertise lies in creating customized insurance policies for business clientele. But we also specialize in providing affordable, robust policies for families as well as individuals.


We provide automobile, life, homeowners, long term care, as well as disability income policies. And we can add customization to any of your basic policies, to provide you with security in ways you might never have imagined!


Throughout the years we’ve established close, personal relationships with many of our clients. Being there for them when tragedy strikes has been our hallmark. In return, many of our clients have remained with us for literally generations!


We work with the best insurers in the world to provide you with the best coverage obtainable.

And most importantly, when disaster strikes, you can be rest assured that we’ll be there for you every step of the way.


Though our policies are extensive, we've intentionally kept our agency a modest size. We've decided to keep it that way is so we can provide you with highest personalized service available in the industry today.


We use no computerized answering systems. So when you call us, you won’t be subjected to an endless menu of options and button pressing. No,… when you call  us, an actual person will be there, to answer all of your questions, or concerns.


We do this to provide you with assurance when you need it most!


So please peruse our website, and we’ll be more than happy to answer any questions you might have.

As the 21st century has begun, Guerin & Guerin has become a 3rd generation agency, representing 3rd generation clients! Thank You. Sincerely, John J. Guerin CPCU President




Our Business Clients

• Your company means everything to you.

• Your customers rely upon you to provide them with the products and services that are important.

• Your employees rely upon you as a means to raise their families.

• Your community relies upon you for donations of your time, your company's time and money, adding to

   their support and civic health.

Wouldn't it be foolish not to protect your business with the best insurance you can find, at an affordable price? At Guerin & Guerin we'll treat your company as we treat our own company. As you can see below, we represent a wide variety of businesses. Whether your company is large or small, mainstream or unique, we can provide you with the specialized protection you need.


If your business has specialized needs, don't waste your time and money purchasing conventional policies that could fall far short when you have a claim. At Guerin & Guerin, we have almost 40 years of experience writing customized iron clad policies.



Bus Company Operators


Resorts & Ranches


Furniture Stores



Prints & Box Manufactures

Lumber Yard Operators

Home & Health Services & Aids

Hospital Properties


Online Services

Advertising Agency Municipalities

Certified Public Accountants

Lumber Yard Operators

Medical Equipment Manufacturers

Charter Buses

School buses

City Buses



Our Technology Risk Policies

● Cyber–Tech Liability

● Professional Liability

● Pollution Liability

● Employment Practice Liability

● Commercial Crime Coverage

In today's working environment you can't afford to leave anything to chance.

There are a myriad of new hazards that can wreak havoc within a company.


Having much of your company's information in a digital format is a necessity, but it also leaves you vulnerable to information and hardware theft. And now, with everyone carrying mobile devices, your company's

risk could be doubled!


As employees communicate, storing more and more information such as business texts, emails, and raw data on their cell phones and tablets, your company's business information is exposed to risk like never before!

● What if an employee accidentally loses his or her phone, or tablet? ● What if a competing company should get hold of one of those devices? Will your company be safe? These are vitally important considerations. You might not realize it, but we can construct policies to protect your company's mobile devices, and more importantly, the information stored on them!

There are other pitfalls to worry about as well, such as

office politics. More than ever, the modern office is a

diversified, complex place filled with different agendas.


With a record number of lawsuits, you'll want to protect

your business and your most valuable resource – your employees.


Then there's the EPA and their myriad of regulations.

With the existence of so many obscure laws, it's easier

than ever to get into legal trouble, so you'll want to

protect yourself from costly lawsuits.

Guerin & Guerin now offers modern insurance policies, and can craft customized policies to protect you, your company, your employees, and everything you've built. We can keep you protected in ways you've never imagined! So call us and find out how.



Our Affiliates

Our Life & Health Policies, and Affiliates

● Term Life Insurance

● Whole Life Insurance

● Universal Life Insurance

● Survivorship Life Insurance

● Long Term Care Insurance

● Variable Universal Life Insurance

Your Safety Net

Life Policies

Everyone knows that nothing is more important than your health and your ability to provide for your family.


Should tragedy strike your family, we can provide you with time-tested and respected insurance coverage to keep your family secure.


Life insurance, long-term care insurance, and disability insurance are not just for the elderly. Health problems can unfortunately strike even young people in the prime of their lives.


Guerin & Guerin is affiliated with the best insurance providers in the world! Providing you with all the advantages of financial strength and flexibility to meet your personal needs.


Our personalized service, combined with the power of major insurers, provides you with everything you need for protection and peace of mind.

Did you know that we can set up a policy to have money go directly to your beneficiaries, to be used in whatever manner you wish?


Whether it's funding your children's education, financial security for your survivors, or as business perpetuation, we can structure your policy to provide you with money you need.



Our Property & Casualty Coverage, and Affiliates

Protecting Your Possessions

Our Property Policies

Our Affiliates

You've sacrificed. Gone into debt. Stayed at the office long

after others have left. You've missed family gatherings. Haven't

seen nearly as much of your children as you would want.


You've sacrificed all these things for a greater good: your

success, and your family's security.


After a long hard road, you've finally built up your business,

and with it you've been able to enjoy the fruits of your labors.


Now you own a nice house and nice car. Filled your home with

valuable, and some irreplaceable, family possessions.


But what if disaster should strike? Or your company gets sued?

An automobile accident? Or a flood, or electrical fire? Even a

wind storm slamming a tree into your house? ... What then?


Nothing can replace your one-of-a-kind possessions, but the

right insurance policy can compensate you for your losses.


The right policy can not only replace parts of your damaged

house, but provide you with the money you need to improve

upon what you had!


Property policies can apply not only to your home, but any

possessions you want. From valuable family heirlooms to

that valuable, one-of-a-kind stamp collection.


At Guerin & Guerin, we can provide you with Agreed Value

Coverage and Lease Gap Insurance replacement costs.

Will you have enough coverage to compensate for the full cost of rebuilding your home? Or your valuable possessions?


A good homeowners policy should not only cover you for the full replacement costs for your home and personal belongings, but also

for your cost of living expenses in the event of your home being so damaged as to be unlivable.


And your auto insurance? Do you have the right policy?


Most people will try to get away with the cheapest policy possible.

But, in the event of an accident, the cheapest policy can leave you

with thousands of dollars in costs. And not enough liability coverage, so that hospitalization to others, or yourself, could leave you in massive debt trying to cover the deductibles and lawsuit costs!


For surprisingly little more money, a good policy will cover you for a vast array of liabilities to others. And give you peace of mind knowing you don't have to worry about money woes.


There are a lot of potentially confusing variables involved with

property and casualty insurance, but we'll make it easy for you to secure the best policy for your needs.


We'll NEVER sell you more insurance than you need,

and NEVER let you go away with less than you need.









845 • 331 • 1567

845 • 331 • 4873


51 Hurley Ave., Kingston NY, 12401


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Guerin & Guerin Incorporated ©2022